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NISSAN FAIRLADY Z 300ZX (Z31 Late Model) / Body Set with Light Buckets

MSRP: $63.80
Price: $52.32
You Save: 18 %
Out of stock
Item Number: 67123
Manufacturer: ABC HOBBY USA
Manufacturer Part No: 66123
Wheel Base : 260mm
Width : 190mm
The picture is painted as a sample.
This product is set of  unpainted Lexan body and decal.
Wheels, LED Lights, Rear view mirror and the muffler of the sample picture are not included.

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(37 Ratings, 2 Reviews) Average Rating:
absolutly perfect
Dan ( 9/23/2014 12:16 PM
This body is CNC mashine produced, and you can see it. Very detailed - Perfect. Have to get some more!
nice body and kit
Russell Brown (usa) 10/15/2012 12:22 AM
this kit come with all the light bucket and decal but no mirrors. high detail body very clean line. for the tail light i use ABC hobby USA clear red and clear orange paint look good in the day use 3mm led light for all but the head light take 5mm led use a 20 led in all.
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